
Farmers Markets

Arlington Heights Farmers' Market Starting Saturday, May 11th - October 12th  8 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

the commuter parking lot across from the Arlington Heights Historical Museum on Vail Ave. and Fremont St. transforms into a bustling market full of fresh produce of the season, artisanal cheese, homemade pastries, freshly roasted coffee, handmade crafts, and much more.The Arlington Heights Farmers Market is an ever changing experience as new produce becomes available throughout the growing season and new events are planned throughout the year.  For more information about the Farmer's Market, call the Museum at 847-255-1225.

The Farmers Market is managed by the Arlington Heights Historical Society. In turn, the market helps to support the Society's mission of preserving and celebrating our community by caring for and exhibiting the collections, hosting events, and educating the public on the history of our village. 




 Mount Prospect Lions Club Farmers' Market Starting June 2nd 8 am - 1 pm.

The Market is located at the East Metra commuter lot at NW Hwy and Emerson Street.

Get the freshest produce in town every Sunday morning from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Lots of vendors from Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin area farmers, specialty crafters, unique food items and other one-of-a-kind vendors. Don't miss out on one of the most popular markets in the area!



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